Monday, February 25, 2013

"I don't really use credit cards..." YEAH, RIGHT!

15:30 and I get a call from my 'dear' phone company Vodafone.

- "Hello Marina, we want to thank you for the time that you've spent with us, and therefore you could have the honour of being one of the first clients to try the new Visa Vodafone. The more you use it, the less you'll have to pay in your phone bill." (Add an extremelly excited voice to all this...)

Well, first of all... 15:30??? Really?
Second of all... If you want to thank me, then give me a brand new iphone 5 and damn... I'll be thankful!

So... as quick as my brain could be at 15:30... I came up with:

-"Yeah... mmm... I don't really use credit cards... so..."

And guess what the lovely Vodafone lady says...

- "Then how do you pay for stuff???"


Unbelievable... Dear Vodafone, please tell your workers to be a bit more polite... and give them a course on 'Getting hints from clients and other types of indirect speech'.

I really really needed this entry to let loose... It was simply unreal!

By the way... If you're curious about my answer to her rude reply... this is what I said:

-"Mmm... I'm sorry, I'm late for work and can't talk now... Bye!"

LOL (She was lucky I didn't give her a piece of my mind).

So, if you have ever had any experiences such as this one on the phone or you just have some comments about what happened to me, please leave them in the comments below!


Monday, February 18, 2013

Meet The Shaytards

Hello everyone!

I'm happy to introduce you to: The Shaytards!

They are an American family who vlog EVERYDAY! (For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, 'vlogging' is filming videos to share your life on the internet).

So, the extremely funny ShayCarl, his wife Katilette and their four children Sontard, Princesstard, Babytard and Rocktard crack us up everyday with their funny daily adventures.

Watching their videos everyday is a great way of learning English and training your listening skill.

Here's a link to their channel: Shaytards Channel



Welcome to M's Bits and Pieces!

In this blog I will share some thoughts/pictures/news/videos (basically, ANYTHING) that I find interesting and 'hopefully' they will trigger some comments from you guys!